Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Welcome to CTE!
What is your student up to in their favorite class? Watch the slideshow below or visit our virtual showcase to see the fantastic projects, events, and activities directly related to career discovery and preparation that our wonderful teachers facilitate every day.
Seattle Public Schools Career and Technical Education prepares students of all ages for career and college readiness after high school. Through CTE classes, students explore a wide array of careers and with the opportunity to deep dive into career pathways of particular interest to them!
CTE strengthens students’ technical skills and knowledge through hands-on projects and problem-based learning. Working closely with industry partners, our curricula exposes students to in-demand jobs of the future.
Starting in elementary school, students have access to computer science activities, robotics, and hands-on STEM learning. In middle school, students begin envisioning life after high school with their High School and Beyond Plan with access to classes like media arts, engineering, and technology. Upon entering high school, students tailor their schedules to explore careers of specific interest to them. They gain technical skills through preparatory CTE classes in Skills Center, internships, field trips, and much much more.